I still haven't quite figured out the message behind this curious publicity "stunt." But the patrons at the concert earlier this month at the Morgan Library seemed not to care, so absorbed were they by the music (its one of my best piece). But by the end of the evening the bowl was almost empty.
WHAT I HAD HOPED TO POST THIS TIME WAS A BOWL OR BASKET OF MORELS!! Its that time of year, but alas, global warming is happening right under our noses--the season was at least two weeks early. Despite two forays to favored spots, I came up with nothing but a pleasant walk in the woods.
Every thing is early it seems. The mountain laurel has started to blossom in our yard and that doesnt usually happen until June.
Speaking of Mozart, whenever I find my back pains increasing in intensity as I hunch over my desk trying to compose, I htink of Morton Feldman's comment that if only he'd had the right chair he could have given Mozart a run for the money (or words to that effect)
Addendum: Another example of my "M and M"-ness has come to my attention.In this week's New Yorker, in the musical events previews, is a short piece on Timo Andres's upcoming piano recital at Le Poisson Rouge, wherein he will play (stunningly I am sure) my "Authentic Presence." The writer (Alex Ross, I assume) reffered to me as a "Modern Master."